Blue City Mayor Tells Hosts of ‘The View’ To Dial Down Anti-Trump Rhetoric

Not many have been as vociferously cruel to President-elect Donald Trump as the hosts of the ABC talk show “The View” and it was too much for the mayor of one majority Democrat city.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams appeared on the show on Friday where the hosts attempted to get him to directly criticize the president-elect but he would not take the bait and hit back at them for how ridiculous they have been.

“Let’s love the country. Let’s love our cities,” the mayor said.

“Let’s get away from the rhetoric of the professionalism that we know. Those are experts in this. They’re going to look at his proposal, do a real analysis, and make these decisions. It happens every day. We’ve reached a point in this country where we no longer want to engage in conversation. They were even calling him Hitler. That was an insult to the millions of Jews and others who died. We know what Hitler did,” Adams continued.

“When I’m on the streets talking to my young people who [are] wearing Hamas signs and calling for the destruction of groups, I said we have to bring down this rhetoric,” he said.


Not many have been as unhinged as the hosts of “The View,” but there is one other television personality who may have them defeated when it comes to being mentally broken by the president-elect, and the is MSNBC host Joy Reid.

On her Wednesday show before Thanksgiving, she tore into the president-elect and his supporters, accusing them of loving him more than they love their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

“Make your own sandwiches, wipe your own tears, troll amongst yourselves with Elon, and leave us alone,” she said on her show. “You got your heart’s desire. The president you dreamed of and worshiped instead of Jesus. And this time, you didn’t even have to storm the Capitol, smash the windows or try to k*ll police officers or issue de*th threats to poll workers.”

“But if you expect the 73 million who voted for the prosecutor, not the felon, and particularly the 92% of black women who voted for Kamala to give you a cookie for your vote, a trophy, a hug, a high five, you might be asking too much. If we want to eat with you, we will. But if we just want some peace over the holidays, and we don’t want to put up with your trolling… get over it. Stop acting like we owe you,” she said.

As for “The View” it has not exactly been a sterling month for them.

Two weeks ago the hosts were required to deliver another on-air legal note during their broadcast after suggesting that having a history of sexual assault allegations was a prerequisite for a position in President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet.

The co-hosts specifically criticized former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who withdrew his name from consideration for Attorney General shortly after the segment aired, and Defense Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth. However, they later clarified that while both men have been investigated, they have consistently denied any wrongdoing, and neither has ever been charged.

“Sexual misconduct allegations seem not to matter anymore,” Whoopi Goldberg kicked off the conversation, adding, “Seems like unless you have a sexual misconduct allegation, you can’t be in the cabinet. That’s what it’s looking like, because I mean, was it 11 people and maybe one of the 11 doesn’t have something going on?”

“It’s like, oh, let’s see, who’s accused of sexual assault? Put them in the cabinet!” co-host Joy Behar quipped, adding, “And they’re like, ‘Pick me! Pick me!’”

Co-host Sara Haines stated that keeping individuals with such accusations close would lead to an agenda that included being lenient toward those accused of sexual misconduct.

“I would encourage them to separate sexual assault and sexual offenders from their MAGA agenda or you’re telling me this is part of your agenda,” she said.

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