WATCH: Maxine Waters Has 26-Second-Long Wig-Induced Malfunction On CNN

In an absolutely hilarious moment on CNN, California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters wouldn’t stop messing with her wig while speaking about former President Donald Trump, repeatedly and constantly fidgeting with it on live TV. Her wig malfunction came as CNN’s Abby Phillip asked her about how Democrats plan to defeat Trump in November.

Phillip’s question comes as more and more on the left, including the left’s media complex like CNN, grow disillusioned with President Joe Biden as a leader and a candidate due to his cognitive issues. Those issues were put on full display during his disastrous debate with former President Trump on June 27, a debate hosted by CNN.

Philip asked, “They’ve seen President Biden, they’ve lived through his presidency, they’ve seen former President Trump, they’ve lived through his presidency, they’ve heard these arguments about democracy, about the fate of the election, and yet Trump is not only winning, but winning increasingly by a larger margin.”

She continued, asking what Democrats plan to do next and if they plan on making a major change to their plans given Trump’s strong strategy. She asked, “So what is the plan among Democrats to change that trajectory? It sounds like you’re talking about and saying all the same things, but do you think something needs to change?”

Waters, instead of just sitting still, acting like a normal person, and calmly listening to and then answering Phillip’s question, instead fidgeted with her wig for nearly half a minute, a full 26 seconds, while on the camera. “I think we need to keep working,” Waters finally responded after messing with her wig while Phillip asked the lengthy question.

Watch that here:

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