(VIDEO)Doocy Asks KJP How Long Kamala Has Known Admin Is Badly Handling Border

Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre straight up how long Vice President Kamala Harris has thought President Joe Biden has done a bad job with the border issue.

Doocy asked Jean-Pierre about Harris’ campaign promise to add more border guards to stop people from coming into the U.S. illegally. President Joe Biden put the vice president in charge of addressing the “root causes” of migration in Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries in March 2021. During her time in the administration and as a U.S. senator, she changed her mind several times about how she felt about illegal immigration.

“How long have you guys known that Vice President Kamala Harris does not think President Biden is doing a good job at the border?” Doocy asked, followed by Jean-Pierre asking him to repeat the question. “Well, she’s now promising to hire thousands more border agents than there are now under President Biden.”

Jean-Pierre went on to accuse Doocy of interpreting Harris’ beliefs and accused congressional Republicans and Republican nominee Donald Trump of “getting in the way” of adding more agents to the U.S.-Mexico border.

“The president does want more Border Patrol agents,” Jean-Pierre said. “You know who’s getting in the way? Republicans in Congress. They’re getting in the way. You know who else is getting in the way? The former president, Donald Trump. He’s getting in the way. I mean, there’s no daylight here. I’m not getting the question because there’s no daylight. The president believes that as well and he’s worked toward doing that.”



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