Mother gives 4-year-old daughter bag of food from Burger King then hears ‘Mom, I don’t want ketchup’

Tiffany Floyd stopped at a Burger King drive-thru near her home in Western New York for a quick bite to eat while out with her four-year-old daughter.

It was supposed to be a hassle-free treat, but after her daughter complained about the “ketchup” on her kid’s meal, it only got worse from there.

“Today I went to Burger King by my house,” Floyd said in a TikTok video.

She explained how moments after she handed the kid’s meal to her daughter, she heard, “Mom, I don’t want ketchup.”

“So I take the bag back, thinking that they messed up our order,” Floyd says. “And I look in her bag and there is blood all over.”

Floyd shared with People that it wasn’t until her daughter ate a few French fries and took a bite into her cheeseburger that she realized there was “ketchup” on her meal.

At first Floyd also thought it was ketchup, but then she realized it was blood.

She immediately contacted the fast food chain and asked to speak to the manager who admitted that an employee had recently cut their hand prior to bagging her food.

“He was so nonchalant at this point and I was livid,” Floyd said of the manager, who offered a refund if Floyd returned to the store.

Alexandra Morosanu /

Floyd also contacted her local health department and filed a report, but learned not much could be done.

Burger King confirmed to People that it closed its Gettzville location, where the incident occurred, for several days as it underwent a deep cleaning and retraining for the employees.

Although the fast food chain cleaned the store and employees were retrained on certain protocols, Floyd is still “distraught” over the situation.

Her daughter will need to get bloodwork done “every month,” and she refuses to eat fearing there may be blood in her food.

Floyd hopes her TikTok video, which has been viewed more than six million times, will serve as a public service announcement not just for anyone who visited the Gettzville location on July 27, but for anyone who reaches their hand into a fast food bag and takes a bite without looking.

“Every time you get food through a drive-thru, you open the bag up and start eating without even looking. I just want other people there to check to see if they ate it, too.”

It never occurred to me that I should be looking a little more closely at my food before I take a bite out of it.

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