(VIDEO)This Budweiser Christmas Commercial From 1987 Will Bring Back Memories And Leave You Smiling

Christmas commercials around the world are often seen as the kick-off to the Christmas season. I mean, it isn’t like we don’t have plenty of commercials, but you know when you see that first Christmas advertisement from a particular place that the season really is upon us.


In the U.K., people eagerly await the Sainsbury Christmas commercials that come out, and there is always a big write-up about the ad the next day in all the papers. In America, the most famous and popular Christmas ads star some of the most world-renowned animals – the Budweiser Clydesdales.


The Budweiser Christmas ads are rarely about their product, but more about the history and family that is associated with the brand itself. And, of course, the Clydesdales. There is something about the Christmas season that almost demands the presence of these beautiful horses.


Giant, furry-hooved horses; carting behind them, through the snow, the beloved stagecoach. They train for years to be a Budweiser Clydesdale, and each horse is distinctly proud of where they are and the job they are doing.


In this nostalgic Christmas ad from 1987, the Clydesdales are bringing into town a giant, perfect Christmas tree – the very best one, in fact. Who better to deliver it, right? The message: Budweiser wishes only the best for the Christmas season. Don’t miss this sweet and almost regal Christmas advertisement from Budweiser in the video below. Cheers.

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