Dog Barks at Coffin during Funeral, Suspicious Son Opens It and Finds It Empty

Ryan’s suspicion grew when his dog Bella raced into the church, barking furiously at his father’s casket. When he opened it, Arnold’s body was missing. “We couldn’t even give Dad a proper funeral,” Ryan thought. After his mother fainted from the commotion, Ryan took her to the hospital and called the police.

Detective Bradshaw began investigating, but leads were scarce. Curious, Ryan visited the morgue, only to discover Arnold’s file was missing and the coroner had abruptly resigned. Frustrated, Ryan received a call from his father’s lawyer, Mr. Stevens, who revealed Ryan was now CEO of Arnold’s company, which was drowning in debt. Suspicious, Ryan followed Arnold’s secretary, Miss Pearson, and found a life insurance policy naming her as the sole $7 million beneficiary.

Ryan brought the document to the police, but Miss Pearson disappeared. Certain his father was alive, Ryan investigated further. He learned about Arnold’s obsession with rare figurines, which led him to an auction. There, Ryan baited his father by auctioning one of the pieces.

“$1 million!” a familiar voice called out. Ryan froze as Arnold stood and removed his hat. “You tricked me!” Arnold growled before being arrested. He confessed to faking his death to start over with Miss Pearson.

“A man should do what is right, not follow his selfish interests,” Ryan reminded him as Arnold was taken away, his betrayal complete

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