My Husband Says I Smell Bad ‘Down There,’ But I Know He’s Wrong — Here’s Why

My husband and I have been together for five years, and while our relationship has had its ups and downs, there’s one comment he made recently that really caught me off guard.

Out of nowhere, he told me, “You need to do something about the smell down there. It’s getting really bad.”

At first, I was shocked and embarrassed. I’ve always been meticulous about my hygiene and have never had any issues before.

But the more I thought about it, the less sense it made. I bathe daily, wear breathable fabrics, and follow all the recommendations for intimate health.

I even went to the doctor recently for a check-up, and everything came back normal. So, where was this coming from?

When I confronted him, he doubled down and said, “I’m just being honest.

It’s not a big deal, but you should look into it.”

I couldn’t believe he was trying to make me feel self-conscious about something I was sure wasn’t true.

After speaking to a close friend about it, she suggested that he might be projecting — or even trying to put me down for reasons unrelated to me.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if this is a him problem, not a me problem.

But it’s still eating away at me, and I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something deeper behind his comments.

Have you ever dealt with a situation like this? What would you do if someone you love made a comment like this out of nowhere? ⬇️

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