When it comes to groceries, we often focus on brands and expiration dates. However, for fruits and vegetables, most of us simply pick the ripest and most visually appealing ones. What many don’t realize is that fruits and vegetables are also labeled with numbers that provide valuable information.
Understanding Fruit Sticker Numbers
Organic Produce
If a fruit sticker features a five-digit number starting with 9, it means the fruit has been grown organically. This number not only helps identify the price but also indicates the farming method used.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
A five-digit number starting with 8 signifies that the fruit is genetically modified. GMO foods are controversial, with concerns about potential allergies and long-term health effects. This technology is used to enhance crop resistance to pests and diseases, improve herbicide tolerance, and increase nutritional content. Common GMO fruits include papayas, apples, plums, strawberries, and grapes.
Conventionally Grown Produce
Fruits labeled with a four-digit code starting with 3 or 4 are conventionally grown. This means they are fertilized using synthetic methods, as opposed to the organic methods that rely on compost and biological weed control. The environmental and health impacts of conventional farming are still widely debated.

Expert Insights
Dr. Tamika D. Sims, a senior director of food technology communications in Atlanta, Georgia, emphasizes that both organic and synthetic fertilizers are federally regulated. She advises focusing on a well-balanced diet rather than worrying excessively about the numbers on fruit stickers.
Importance of Sticker Numbers
The number of digits on fruit stickers is significant. Four or five-digit numbers reveal how and where the food was grown, as well as its size and type. Stickers with more than five digits indicate that the item is not part of the internationally standardized system.
Grocery Shopping Awareness
For many, grocery shopping is a mundane task completed quickly. However, given the importance of the food we consume for our health, it’s crucial to pay attention to these labels. The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) aims to improve supply chain efficiency and establish international standards for produce quality.
The PLU (Price Look-Up) code system, implemented in the 1990s, categorizes produce to ensure high quality. The IFPS has issued over 1,400 such codes, but participation in this system is optional. Therefore, not all fruits and vegetables in stores are inspected or approved by the IFPS.
Understanding the numbers on fruit stickers can be beneficial for those who are mindful of their food choices. This knowledge can also make the self-checkout process more efficient by allowing shoppers to enter the PLU code directly. Overall, the PLU code system is a helpful tool for tracking the journey of nutritious and delicious foods from farms to tables.