(VIDEO)Man Takes Stand Against Over-Tipping: “You Don’t Get 25% For Just Doing Your Job”

Tipping, an age-old practice in the United States, has recently become the subject of heated debate. As servers and hospitality workers nationwide rely on tips for their livelihoods, one man’s bold declaration on social media has sparked a conversation that challenges the status quo.Dustin Anderson, known as @therealdustinanderson on TikTok, has taken a stance against the conventional tipping culture, and his message is making waves. In a viral video, he emphatically states, “So, I’m not tipping anymore – I’m done, I’m out.” In a world where tipping is expected, his reasoning sheds light on an issue that many patrons have silently pondered.

Anderson says servers shouldn't expect '20 percent' tips when they're just doing their 'job'.

Dustin’s argument is straightforward: Tipping used to be reserved for exceptional service, but he questions when was the last time he experienced such service. He argues that simply carrying food to a table or providing a beverage is part of a server’s job description and shouldn’t automatically entitle them to a 25% tip. In his words, “You don’t get 25 percent because you did your job.”

People are divided in the comments.

The reaction to Dustin’s video has been mixed. Some viewers wholeheartedly support his stance, pointing out situations where tipping feels unnecessary. One commenter shared their frustration, saying, “I order carryout at Pizza Hut, and the options start at 18%. I drove there, went in, picked up. What am I tipping for?” Another supporter, an ER nurse, echoed the sentiment, saying, “I don’t get tipped for being an ER nurse and saving lives!! So yeah, I’m done too.”

However, not everyone agrees with Dustin’s perspective. Some argue that the minimum wage for servers in the United States is exceptionally low, and tipping helps bridge that gap. One commenter pointed out, “People forget that waiters, waitresses, and bus staff do not even receive minimum wages.” Another server expressed their concern, saying, “I get it, but I’m a server and I make $3.13 an hour. Tipping is ruining it for us.”

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