Home Boy Almost Dies And Comes Back To

A boy was resuscitated after a car crash and said he met Jesus while in a coma — sharing a stunning message in the process.Julie and Andy Kemp were with their son, Landon, on the way home from church when their car was struck by an ambulance.

Andy was immediately killed, and his son was airlifted to a North Carolina hospital in critical condition.

“I looked but never saw what he was yelling at. I didn’t spot the ambulance approaching us, but all I can recall is that he was yelling.

That was the last thing that I heard from him,” Julie said, All That’s News reported.
Doctors had to resuscitate the boy on several occasions to keep him alive, though he eventually woke from a two-week coma with no brain damage. When he finally came to, Julie said she had a conversation with her son about his father.

“Do you know where dad is at?” she asked him.“Yes, I know where he’s at. I saw him in heaven,” Landon replied. “I just want people to realize that Jesus is real, there is a heaven, there are angels.

Many readers said they believed the boy’s story about meeting Jesus and appreciated the message he shared.“I have no doubt about his experience! I have been with dying family members and had similar experiences,” one All That’s News reader commented on the site’s Facebook page.

“I did not make it to heaven but I walked with 4 angels towards a hand reaching down in a beam of pure light. It was so peaceful. It really is true the peace of the tribe surpasses all understanding,” another wrote.

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