The Washington Redskins have uncanceled themselves!! (WATCH BELOW)

In potentially quite big news showing that some of the excesses of the woke years are on the way out, or at least retreating into the background as Americans wake up to those excesses and start pushing back on them, Washington Commanders managing partner Josh Harris and ownership group of the Commenters have said that they will un-cancel the Redskins logo, which is of the iconic Blackfoot chief, and its history.

As background, the team now known as the Washington Commanders ditched the Redskins logo in 2020 because of concerns, largely sparked by the death of George Floyd and resulting protests, that it was offensive. Since then, the team has not only changed logos, but past images involving the logo have been censored.

For example, a local D.C. news station started removing the logo in its archival footage and photos of the team. Similarly, when the NFL posted on X to honor previous Super Bowl winners, it censored the logo. Even the team sold a shirt that also blocked the logo. Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) spoke before the Senate and commented on those examples of censorship.

It is Sen. Daines who appears to have led much of the charge to un-cancel the logo. He, in an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” said, “We were calling out leaders in case of really, woke gone wrong. The irony that they were canceling Native American culture as the DEI movement went way too far.”

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