600,000 Bottles Of Blood Pressure Medication Recalled Over Contamination!!

600,000 Bottles Of Blood Pressure Medication Recalled Over Contamination

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If you’re a regular user of Ramipril, the blood pressure medication, your bottle of pills may be recalled.

Videos by Wide Open Country

Due to a slip-up on the FDA’s front, 600,000 bottles of the commonly used medication are being pulled from shelves. Due to ingredients used by an unregulated manufacturer, the medication is being recalled due to a fear of possible contamination. It’s Ramipril capsules in strengths of 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg.

This particular medication is prescribed for hypertension. It is used to open the blood vessels and reduce heart pressure. It is usually administered after a heart attack.

One of the ingredients was being used by a factory in India with improper checks done for their suppliers. The FDA thinks the risk is low, but, better safe than sorry. Currently, there have been no adverse effects. However, if you have one of the listed bottles, best to throw it out.

So, you should check your blood pressure medication for a recalled one. They are made by the Indian company Lupin Pharmaceuticals and sold in strengths of 2.5 milligrams (mg), 5mg, and 10mg. The bottles will have a sell-by date up to July 2026 and sold in bottles of 90, 10, and 150.

The contaminated bottles of blood pressure medication being recalled have been sold by 30 different vendors. The numbers are massive, including 350,000 bottles of the 10mg, 146,000 of the 5mg, and 110,000 of the 2.5mg.

The Dangers Linked With Recalled Medication

Thankfully, this recall blood pressure medication, is not too much of a problem. So far, it has only been rated as a class 2 which is not considered a serious threat. But, a class one recall is considered a threat to health and life. There have been a number of these in the past few years.

Only a month or so previously, clonazepam tablets were recalled from shelves due to mislabelling. This resulted in an incorrect drug code and dosing. The drug was used as an anxiety medication. It is always worth checking your prescription medication with your doctor to ensure there have been no recalls.

If you have been issued with one of the bottles listed by the FDA for recall, throw it away or return it to your doctor. A new, uncontaminated bottle, will be issued.

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