WATCH: (VIDEO) Actor Walks Off The Set Of ‘The View’, Leaves Audience Stunned!!!

Dermot Mulroney made a bold statement in support of striking writers, showcasing his commitment on a recent episode of “The View.”During the segment that aired on Friday, Mulroney surprised viewers and the hosts alike by symbolically walking off the set as a gesture of solidarity with the ongoing writers’ strike. 

He took the opportunity to draw attention to the Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike, emphasizing the importance of fair wages and reasonable working hours for writers in the entertainment industry.

The actor’s decision to walk off was explained toward the end of his interview. Politely checking if the show was heading into a commercial break, he thanked the hosts before making his dramatic exit.

Despite the unexpected turn of events, Mulroney’s interview covered a range of friendly topics, including his Disney+ series “Secret Invasion,” his extensive career, family life, work ethic, and longevity in Hollywood.

Even though Mulroney’s segment was pre-taped, it aired exactly as it happened, with the unedited moment of him leaving the stage included. In the summer months, “The View” typically airs live four days a week, but Friday shows are pre-taped.

Mulroney’s walk-off has sparked conversations about the WGA strike, which has now surpassed 50 days without resolution.

Earlier this week, hundreds of Hollywood union members gathered in Los Angeles for a rally to express solidarity with the striking writers.

While the strike has led to the hiatus of many daytime shows, “The View” has managed to remain on air, largely unaffected, as the majority of its staffers are not union members.

Although a couple of the show’s writers are currently impacted and not actively working, “The View” relies heavily on unscripted content, evident in the spontaneous banter and occasional hiccups among the hosts.

Mulroney’s bold stance amplifies the voices advocating for fair treatment of writers within the industry.

The impact of such high-profile expressions of solidarity on the negotiation process between writers and production companies remains to be seen.

Mulroney was originally on “The View” to promote his Disney+ show, Marvel’s “Secret Invasion,” which premiered on Wednesday.

The synergy between Disney, Marvel, and ABC, the network airing “The View,” adds another layer to Mulroney’s choice of platform to address the pressing issue of fair treatment for writers.

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