The Secrets About Vanna White’s Private Boyfriend and Why They Haven’t Tied the Knot Yet!”

After sparking marriage rumors with her latest Instagram post, Vanna White’s fans want to know more about the relationship she’s been keeping lowkey. Since Ryan Seacrest stepped into Pat Sajak’s shoes on Wheel of Fortune, the two have been “battling” for White’s attention. However, it seems Seacrest might be winning her over after White confessed to developing a “crush” on the new host when the new season started. Regardless of either of their efforts, White’s heart was already stolen a long time ago. During an interview with People, the host admitted that she’s been in a relationship with her boyfriend John Donaldson for over a decade.

The California native has worked in the construction industry from an early age. After years of working as a laborer, Donaldson eventually went onto getting his contractor’s license and running his own company, JDC Construction + Development Group.On top of working with major stars like Richard Dreyfuss and Dan Akroyd, he also prides himself on the projects he’s worked on for the state like the 1994 Northridge earthquake that happened in the San Fernando Valley.

Years after establishing his company, he met White when a mutual friend brought her to one of his barbecues.

Vanna White & John Donaldson

Vanna White & John Donaldson

“I remember looking at him and thinking, ‘He’s really cute,’” she admitted. “We ended up talking for a long time that night.”

The couple’s relationship came long after her amicable divorce with film director George Santo Pietro, who she shares her two children, Nicholas and Giovanna, with.

Since it’s been over a decade since they met, many have wondered why the happy couple haven’t tied the knot.

However, she told the outlet that it wouldn’t make a difference.

“I mean, I guess we could, but, in my eyes and his eyes, we are married,” White said.

She added: “Do we have to get married? No, because we feel comfortable in our relationship. You know what I mean? I know that he’s the one. He knows I’m the one.”

White went on to say that the two are “very similar” and neither is getting caught up on those details.

“We get along so well. He’s easy. He’s easy, and he lets me be me, and I let him be him,” she mentioned.

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