The body part you wash first can reveal your personality

Experts suggest the body part you routinely lather up first in the shower reveals some shocking information about your personality, from how you interact with others to feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders.

When we think about daily habits, showering is one of the most routine tasks. But experts say that the order you wash different body parts might reveal certain personality traits.

According to lifestyle expert Anu Mukherjee, these people “love money and it shows!” She also says that “others can sometimes find it difficult to get along with you because they don’t always understand your point of view.”

Arms and hands

Those who scrub their arms and hands first might value strength, control, and independence. Hands and arms are often associated with action, work, and reaching out, traits common among those who are goal-driven and not afraid to tackle challenges head-on.

These people are likely proactive in life, facing problems directly rather than shying away. They may also take pride in what they can achieve through their efforts.


Washing your chest area first is associated with people who are confident, grounded, and tend to follow logic over emotion. The chest is near the heart, and people who begin here might feel more connected to their core values. They are often seen as dependable, perhaps a bit reserved, but generally rational in their approach to life.

“You are often pragmatic, honest and loyal. Unfortunately, you are also naturally stressed, because you probably want to do well,” Mukherjee writes.

Head or hair

People who like discipline and order typically start by cleaning their head or hair, the body part closest to the brain. This behavior suggests an analytical personality, often with a tendency toward intellectual or creative pursuits.

These individuals may also prioritize mental clarity and cleanliness, indicating a desire to expand knowledge.

In addition to having “the temperament of an intellectual and an artist,” Mukherjee says “you are a romantic, who needs love.”

Shoulders or back

Choosing to wash your shoulders or back first could indicate a sense of burden or responsibility. The back often carries the weight, so people who start here might feel a sense of duty toward others or even a hidden load they’re managing quietly.

These silent supporters, the ones who others turn to in difficult times, tend to prioritize others’ needs, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being.

Speaking of this personality type, Mukherjee shares: “They say ‘carry the world on your shoulders,’ and that’s exactly what you do, sometimes until you are exhausted. Generally, this makes you a loyal person who can be relied on.”


If you start with your armpits, it hints at strong social connections and loyal nature. You are a cherished friend, and when you feel deeply about someone, you go all in with no room for middle ground. You either love wholeheartedly or not at all, and those close to you recognize this genuine intensity.

“Be careful though,” Mukherjee warns. “You can sometimes be a little naive and lack self-confidence.”

Mom shares bubble bath with young son / Credit: Shutterstock


Reports suggest that people who are naturally reserved or introverted will likely start their showers by washing their private parts. You might feel more comfortable in smaller, familiar circles than in large social settings, where you may not always seek the spotlight. However, those who know you well appreciate your authenticity and kindness, often considering you one of the most genuine people they know.

While standing up for yourself can sometimes be challenging, you have a warm and comforting presence that makes others feel at ease in your company.

Random parts

If you wash your body parts in no particular order, it might reveal a spontaneous and adaptable personality.

People with this habit tend to be flexible, open-minded, and comfortable with change. They often enjoy going with the flow and don’t feel the need to stick to a strict routine or plan, which can make them more resilient in unpredictable situations. This tendency for randomness suggests a willingness to embrace life’s surprises and handle new experiences without stress or hesitation.

But, Mukherjee says “you also have an adventurous temperament and don’t like to be bored, especially in a relationship.”

What do your showering habits say about you? Please share your comments with us and then share this story with your friends so we can hear what they have to say!

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