You have an IQ above 140 if you can find the mistake in the Thanksgiving picture in 5 seconds!

There is one mistake in the Thanksgiving picture. Only those with an IQ above 140 can find it in 5 seconds! Can you?

IQ tests, or Intelligence Quotient tests, assess a person’s cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. These tests evaluate an individual’s mental functions such as logical reasoning, pattern recognition, memory, and analytical thinking.

Do you have a high IQ?

Let’s find out!

IQ Test: Find the Mistake in Thanksgiving Picture in 5 Seconds

The picture shared above depicts a Thanksgiving scene where a family has gathered for dinner.

There is one mistake in the picture.

Can you find it in 5 seconds?

Your time starts now!

IQ tests are a great way to test your logical thinking abilities. The more one engages with these puzzles, the sharper the brain becomes.

This challenge will test your intelligence and attention to detail.

You need to use your logical thinking skills and attentiveness to find the mistake.

Have you found it?

Hurry up; time is running out.

Look for subtle clues in the image, the answer lies in the image only.

Readers who can quickly solve such challenging puzzles are ones with high attention spans and the sharpest brains.

Look for one last time, you might spot a clue.

Found it?


Time’s up.

How many of you found the mistake within 5 seconds?

Congratulations to those who did, you have a high IQ.

Those who are still looking for the answer can check out the solution and explanation provided below.

To improve your speed and problem-solving skills, you can practice similar challenges regularly.

IQ Test: Solution

The mistake in the picture is that the calendar shows October 25th, while Thanksgiving is celebrated in November.

If you loved solving this challenge, share it with your friends and family and check who cracks the challenge in the fastest time.

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