Mom Posts Pic of Her Breastfeeding in Costco and Finally Responds to Backlash

We, as a society, are no strangers to controversy. Methods that work for a few may not work for others. However, almost everyone has an opinion on the “correct way” to do things. One such topic that has sparked a range of opinions is breastfeeding, specifically in public, and one woman shared a photo that got a lot of mixed feedback.

Breastfeeding Goes Viral

Breastfeeding can be an integral part of ensuring a baby is well nourished. Moreover, there are countless benefits that babies can get from breastfeeding including developing a strong emotional bond with their mom and other health benefits like a healthy immune system. However, for a multitude of reasons, breastfeeding in public makes some people feel uncomfortable and, oddly, even enraged. Trinati, who has more than 7,000 followers on Instagram, posted a picture of herself in 2017, in which she was breastfeeding her daughter inside a Costco. She shared that she makes a point of feeding her 17-month-old no matter where they are, “never shying away from providing” for her kids. As a result, she often finds herself breastfeeding in public.

She asked her son to take the picture because “I never want to forget (show my daughter in the future) the lengths we, as mothers, will go to when ensuring our kids are well looked after no matter the situation,” Trinati explained.

“I don’t expect all men or those who have never breastfed to understand the ways in which mothers have the endurance to deal with nipple-pinching or straight-up acrobatics while breastfeeding,” she continued. “I have received the strangest glances and awkward giggles when people watch my 1.5-year-old standing on my lap while suckling … sometimes on one leg!”

Commenting on the Criticism

Although she faces a lot of criticism in public, her loved ones also have a tendency to give her a hard time, like making jokes about how she’ll be breastfeeding until her daughter is in Kindergarten. On the other hand, she doesn’t feel discouraged because she wants to breastfeed “for as long as (her daughter) needs”.

She also shared that she wanted to make a point to the public, removing the negativity around breastfeeding in public. Some have argued that it’s inappropriate because it potentially sexualizes her out in public. In contrast, Trinati exclaimed, “Really? Have you SEEN breastfeeding breasts? My nipples are very far from looking like something someone may fantasize about! Ha!”

She continued, “These are basically udders right now. Get over yourself! I’m not trying to steal your man or lady with these bad girls! To me, they have become so far from feeling like a sexual part of my body. Right now, they belong to my child for nourishment, both physically and emotionally.” Moreover, other moms have publicly spoken up or shared pictures of themselves also breastfeeding. Trinati shed some light on that by explaining, “My baby’s needs come waaaaaay before anyone else’s attempts to make me feel inappropriate for this sometimes-public act of nourishing and/or comforting my children.”

Countless Benefits are Provided

Breastfeeding provides food and comfort for an infant and even a toddler if mom and baby agree. According to the CDC, moms also benefit from breastfeeding because it can help reduce the risk of certain illnesses like ovarian and breast cancer or type 2 Diabetes. Furthermore, the topic has become so controversial that even celebrity moms have shown solidarity with moms like Trinati. Some include Chrissy Teigen, Olivia Munn, Ronda Rousey, and Vanessa Morgan.

The controversy regarding breastfeeding, namely in public, has moms everywhere feeling exhausted. As a result, many speak up for themselves and their right to feed their children how and when they see fit.

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