Dad removes full-body tattoos for sake of his young daughter

We’ve all done things we’re not proud of in the past, made decisions we wish we hadn’t, and said things we would want to take back.

Yet I’m willing to wager very few of us have regrets so large and visible as Ethan ‘ModBoy’ Bramble, a body fanatic from Australia who covered his body with over 200 tattoos.

Expressing oneself through ink is common these days, while intricate, quirky tattoos appear to be all the rage. That said, there’s a limit to what most people are willing to pay to have put on themselves, and for most people that limit falls well short of what Ethan was ready to do.

As per reports, Ethan was just 11 years old when he decided to get his first ever body modification, which involved the stretching of his ears. Since then, he’s undergone all manner of procedures, including having his tongue split and his belly button removed.

Regrets his tattoos

It’s his tattoos that garner the most attention, however, and that’s hardly a surprise given that he’s covered head to toe. All told, Ethan revealed that he had spent around $60,000 AUD (roughly $39,000 UD) to look the way he does.

Now, though, he’s expressed some regret over his past choices. “I guess you could say I regret some tattoos,” he told LadBibleTV’s No Filter series.

“Not just regret, I think there’s a difference between regret and wanting to be perceived differently.”

Ethan went on to say that he’s worried about the judgement he might face while performing certain daily tasks, such as taking his young daughter to school.

“The face is a big thing that can lead to so many – for some people, not everyone – can lead to a lot of problems for yourself, which I probably wouldn’t want my daughter to have to deal with until she was a bit older,” he said.

“I wish that I had not gone as hectic as I did on my face.” In an attempt to clean up his image, Ethan’s been undergoing painful laser surgery treatment in a bid to reverse some of the ink he got when he was younger.

The transformation

He explained: “I’ve been getting laser [surgery], or have been, for pretty much 12 months… We do it in sections, but I’ve probably gone over the full thing six or seven times.

“I started getting it done because of the anxiety and stuff I was getting… Mental stuff is a funny thing to pin down, but I want to think that a lot of the anxiety was from just having a face full of tattoos.

“I’m happy with the way that I look, but I’m also happy with the mentality that over the next two years, my face tattoos are going to become less and less and less. I’m just clearing the canvas.”

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see how Ethan looks when he’s completely cleared his face of tattoos. Full respect to him for undergoing such a brave change!

What do you think about Ethan’s before and after look? Let us know in the comments!

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