(VIDEO)Veterans Group Steps Up To Seal Border Near San Diego


In a resolute move to fortify the border near San Diego, a dedicated group of veterans has taken matters into their own hands, deploying concertina wire to bolster the defenses along critical gaps in the barrier.

Dubbed the “Border Sentinels,” this group of valiant veterans is on a mission to stem the tide of illegal migration surging across our southern border. With unwavering determination, they’ve embarked on expeditions into the rugged terrains, setting up barriers to safeguard our nation’s sovereignty.

Joining their ranks in a recent operation was none other than Marine Corps veteran Kate Monroe, a beacon of strength and resolve in California’s 49th district. Monroe, who’s vying for a congressional seat against Democratic incumbent Mike Levin, stood shoulder to shoulder with the Border Sentinels as they reinforced the border’s defenses.

Sharing her exploits on social media, Monroe proclaimed, “I’ve once again fortified our borders. Alongside 11 fellow patriots, the ‘Border Sentinels,’ we’ve secured nearly 1,000 feet of razor wire, ensuring no one crosses this gap illegally.”

Using her frontline experience to underscore her commitment to national security, Monroe called out the inaction of government officials, emphasizing the need for leaders who prioritize action over rhetoric. She declared, “While others merely talk, we act. It’s time to elect officials who uphold their duty to protect our borders.”

In a poignant reflection on her service in the Marines, Monroe lamented the necessity of civilian intervention, stating, “I’ve risked my life once to defend our nation, and I’m ready to do it again. It’s disheartening that others lack the courage to take a stand.”

Addressing concerns about the legality of their actions, Monroe remained steadfast, asserting in an interview with NewsNation, “We won’t be deterred. Every moment we impede illegal crossings, we safeguard our homeland.”

The response to Monroe’s bold stance has been a mix of gratitude and caution, with supporters commending her proactive approach while urging vigilance against potential repercussions.

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