Elvis Presley’s ‘Grandson’ Steps On Stage And Steals The Show

Dakota Striplin made a daring assertion on “The Voice,” implying he might be the grandchild of the late, great Elvis Presley, in the thrilling world of talent competitions.

Dakota hypnotised the judges and audience with his soul-stirring performance of “Love Me Tender,” bringing back memories of Elvis with every note.

With just his guitar for accompaniment, he gave a riveting and moving performance.

The first judge was clearly amazed as Dakota’s beautiful voice filled the room; she turned her chair in appreciation and put her hand over her heart.

Not long afterward, an additional judge, impressed by his attractive aura and remarkable voice, quickly turned around, anxious to discover the origin of this amazing performance.

The judges asked him about his song selection and sources of musical inspiration after his performance. Dakota spoke deeply about his family’s relationship with Elvis, describing his grandmother’s happy recollections of seeing him perform.

He teased the judges with a funny joke about having a family link to the King of Rock and Roll, which made them laugh and joke about how much they looked alike.


Dakota added to the mystery by talking about other mysterious parts of his ancestry, such as a major DNA discovery that raised questions about his confirmed heritage and suggested a possible connection to Elvis Presley.

Watch Dakota Striplin’s mesmerising performance and historical background by watching the entire video below!

Please SHARE this amazing performance with Family and Friends and let us know what you think in comments!

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