Patti Scialfa, E Street Band member and wife of Bruce Springsteen, reveals details

Patti Scialfa, Bruce Springsteen‘s wife and member of the E Street Band, revealed she has been battling cancer for the past several years.

In Springsteen’s new documentary, Rock Diary: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, Scialfa shared she had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2018.

According to Variety, the singer-songwriter said the diagnosis made it difficult for her to tour with her husband and the E Street Band so she made the difficult decision to step back.

“This affects my immune system, so I have to be careful what I choose to do and where I choose to go,” she said. “Every once in a while, I come to a show or two and I can sing a few songs on stage, and that’s been a treat. That’s the new normal for me right now, and I’m OK with that.”

New York, NY – October 16, 2019: Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa attend the New York special screening of Western Stars at Metrograph

Previously, Scialfa told the Asbury Park Press she opted to play only a handful of shows on Springsteen’s current tour, which began in February 2023, because she wanted to spend more time with her granddaughter Lily Springsteen, who was born in July 2022, and work on her solo album.

“I didn’t feel as needed in a way because there were a lot of musicians on stage,” the guitarist said. “I did the first couple of shows, and as I saw how it was all rolling, I thought, ‘This is good. This is completely intact. There’s not much room for me to add anything special.’”

“And the main thing was I have a record that I couldn’t have finished when Bruce was home because he’s in the studio all the time. So I took that opportunity to do my record.”

Kathy Hutchins /

Scialfa isn’t the only one to face health issues. In September 2023, Springsteen was forced to postpone his remaining 2023 tour dates as he continued to receive treatment for peptic ulcer disease.

In early summer 2024, once again he had to postpone tour dates due to a medical issue. This time it was for “vocal issues,” and thankfully it only affected three dates.

My prayers are with Patti Scialfa as she continues to battle multiple myeloma.

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