Couple Accuses Restaurant of Penalizing Them for ‘Bad Parenting,’ but Owner Reveals the Truth

Picture yourself having a pleasant dinner at a restaurant after a long and exhausting day, only to have a child throw a tantrum or run around from table to table while the parents ignore the situation. We can all relate to that, can’t we?

The Toccoa Riverside Restaurant, a popular establishment in a charming Georgia setting by the Toccoa River, is taking action against unruly children by implementing a fee for “adults who can’t control their kids.” The notice can be found at the bottom of the menu.

As you might expect, many parents are unhappy with this decision.

The menu does not provide the precise charge, however, a few Google reviews indicate that parents are typically charged approximately $50.

A reviewer mentioned, “I was informed by the owner that an additional $50 was being added to my bill due to my children’s behavior. They were quietly watching a tablet until the food came, ate their meal, and then my wife took them outside while I settled the bill. The overall experience left me feeling disappointed.”

A different reviewer cautioned, “If you’re with kids, steer clear of this place. The owner was incredibly rude and caused a scene in front of everyone because our kids were ‘running through the restaurant’ – they were just by the river. We were even told to ‘go to Burger King and Walmart’ and that we were bad parents.”

Tim Richter, the owner of the restaurant, stated that he implemented the additional fee a couple of years back amid the COVID-19 pandemic when a family with nine kids came in, and the children were “causing chaos in the restaurant.” He didn’t bill them but issued a warning. “We expect parents to take responsibility,” he remarked.

Guests have varying opinions. Laura Spillman exclaimed, “That’s insane. Seriously? I don’t think it’s a good idea because kids are adorable.” On the other hand, Anne Cox believed that a possible fee could help parents remember their duties.

What are your thoughts on this?

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