Dolly Parton’s best duet yet: ‘There Was Jesus

Dolly Parton and Zach Williams have crafted a powerful tribute to faith that soared to the No. 1 spot on the Christian Billboard charts, reminding us all that it’s never too late to chase our dreams.

No matter how famous or wealthy she became, Dolly Parton has always stayed connected to the common man. It’s this genuine, down-to-earth spirit that makes her not just an incredible artist, but an even more remarkable human being.

Coming from extreme poverty as a child, Dolly understands the struggles of life, and that humility and kindness shine through in everything she does.

Even today, Dolly continues to reign as one of the queens of country music, and her recent collaborations have been nothing short of spectacular.

Williams knew right away

One such gem is “There Was Jesus,” a powerful song released in 2019 that serves as a testament to her enduring talent and heartfelt artistry. Co-written by Christian rock musician Zach Williams, this emotional track beautifully captures the journey of finding faith amid life’s toughest challenges.

Together, Dolly and Zach weave enchanting melodies and soul-stirring lyrics that resonate deeply with listeners. Williams knew right after they finished writing the song that he wanted to see if Dolly Parton would be interested in recording it with him. His team reached out to Parton’s manager, and when she heard the song, she fell in love with it.

Soon after, arrangements were made for the duo to meet in the studio a few weeks later to record. In a press release, Williams shared, “It was a really cool moment, just to have the privilege to record a song with Dolly Parton. Working with Dolly was a true honor. She has a way of making you feel like you are the only person in the room. She is so down-to-earth and genuine, and I can’t wait for people to hear that in the song.”

The song quickly became a hit, climbing to the top of Christian charts. “There Was Jesus” marks a special moment in Dolly’s career, being her first chart-topping success on Christian Airplay and Christian AC charts.

The faith of Dolly Parton

Zach may not have realized it at the time, but the song has clearly helped many people reflect on their own journeys, as it resonates with those who have faced real low points in life and felt alone.

With each note, Dolly’s humility shines through, reminding us of the many genres she has conquered, including her two Adult Contemporary No. 1 hits. Her heartfelt thanks to her fans is a beautiful reminder of the community that has supported her every step of the way.

Dolly Parton

The Queen of Country Music has always been open about crediting her Christian faith for her success. “A belief in God is essential,” Dolly shares. “You have to believe in something bigger than yourself. We grew up believing that through God all things are possible.”

From a young age, she immersed herself in the little mountain church where her grandfather preached, singing hymns and playing guitar during services starting at just six years old. Dolly has never hesitated to discuss her faith and her relationship with God. “People say, ‘Well, I am surprised that you talk about your faith,’ and I say, ‘Why not? That’s who I am. That’s what keeps me going,’” she explains.

Many may also recall that Williams and Parton performed the song live for the first time at the 53rd Annual CMA Awards on November 13, 2019.

However, it’s their music video that has captured hearts, with many claiming it to be the best duet ever featuring Dolly Parton.

Do you agree? Check it out and listen to this magical song below!

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