Girl abandoned at birth for her looks wants to prove the world wrong – she now models for Vogue

Albinism is a rare inherited life-long condition that occurs worldwide across all races and ethnic backgrounds. It results in decreased production of a pigment called melanin in the skin, hair, and eyes, resulting in light color or no color. Sadly, people with the condition are often seen as different and are stigmatized, especially in underdeveloped countries.

A girl with albinism was born in China some 16 years ago, and when her parents saw her snow white skin, they decided not to take her home. Sadly, the little one ended at an orphanage just days after she was born. This sounded horrible, and the staff at the orphanage, who named her Xueli, which stands for snow white and beautiful, felt sorry for her. However, little did they know that she would be adopted by a loving family from the Netherlands who would provide her with a beautiful life.

When she turned 11, Xueli was discovered by a famous Hong Kong photographer who asked her to be part of her campaign featuring different people, all beautiful in their own way.
“She called the campaign ‘perfect imperfections’ and asked if I wanted to join her fashion show in Hong Kong,” Xueli Abbing said in an interview with the BBC. “That was an amazing experience.”

In some parts of the world, it is believed that the bones of those with albinism have medical powers so it happens for some of these people to be disfigured and their fingers, arms, or legs to be cut off.
Knowing this, Xueli says she’s lucky she was only abandoned.

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