Group Of Men Gather In The Mountains To Sing ‘You Raise Me Up’ Will Give You Chills

College Singers Elevate Josh Groban’s Hit with Acapella Mastery

Acapella renditions of popular songs can often bring a fresh and exciting perspective, whether by highlighting the lyrics or showcasing the vocalists’ talents. This is certainly the case with Brigham Young University’s (BYU) Vocal Point and their captivating acapella version of Josh Groban’s 2003 hit, “You Raise Me Up.” Their performance of this inspirational song adds a new layer of emotion and depth to the track.

BYU Vocal Point: A Legacy of Musical Excellence

Founded in 1991 by BYU students Dave Boyce and Bob Ahlander, BYU Vocal Point quickly gained recognition for their impressive vocal abilities. The group’s debut concert sold out, signaling the start of their journey to musical fame.

Through the years, BYU Vocal Point has earned numerous accolades, including a fifth-place finish on NBC’s The Sing-Off. Their remarkable success continued in 2018, when they signed a record deal with Universal Music Group’s classical label, Decca Gold. Member Jason Bromley shared, “We’re just ordinary college students doing extraordinary things,” reflecting on their rise to prominence.

The music video for BYU Vocal Point’s version of “You Raise Me Up” is set in the breathtaking landscapes of mountains and valleys. The video begins with a single, clear voice, quickly harmonizing with another, creating a rich and layered sound. The group’s voices are bright and pure, with impressive percussive effects that are all created vocally.

As the singers journey through the stunning mountain scenery, the beauty of the setting mirrors the emotional depth of their rendition. The tranquil landscape enhances the feeling of the music, showcasing how music can transport listeners to a serene, almost meditative place.

A Harmonious and Unique Rendition

The harmonies in this rendition are seamless, making it hard to pick out the individual lead voices. BYU Vocal Point offers a refreshingly original take on the song, moving beyond a simple reproduction of Josh Groban’s version. Their arrangement features unique stylistic touches, including an additional hook near the end that elevates the performance even further. The grand finale is supported by a choir of other students, resulting in a profoundly impactful conclusion.

This remarkable version of “You Raise Me Up” by BYU Vocal Point is sure to become a favorite among fans. It’s a stirring, uplifting performance that demonstrates the power of acapella music.

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