Jon Bon Jovi praised after helping woman and talking her into stepping away from ledge of bridge

Warning: This article contains discussion of attempted suicide which some readers may find distressing.

Jon Bon Jovi has been praised after video footage shows him helping a woman to step away from the ledge of a bridge.

The rock music legend, 62, along with a woman, were seen persuading the woman to come to safety on the Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge in Nashville, US, on Tuesday (10 September).

CCTV footage of the moment was later shared by The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department on their social media.

According to Sky News, the singer was reportedly filming a music video on the bridge, which remained open to the public during the shoot.

In the footage, Bon Jovi can be seen walking towards the woman, where he begins conversing with her.

The woman then turned to face the two as they helped her over the railing to safety.

He is then seen hugging the unknown woman before they walk down the bridge together.

Taking to social media, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department praised the musician for his actions, writing on X: “A shout out to @jonbonjovi and his team for helping a woman on the Seigenthaler Ped Bridge Tue night.

The incident was caught on CCTV (Police handout)

The incident was caught on CCTV (Police handout)

“Bon Jovi helped persuade her to come off the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety.”

Chief John Drake added: “It takes all of us to help keep each other safe.”

Fans have also praised Bon Jovi for his role in helping the woman, as one person wrote: “An awesome dude doing awesome stuff. Good on him, and hopefully the person he talked down is getting the help they need.”

While someone else quoted some of his lyrics from his hit song, ‘Livin on a Prayer’.

Another added: “I hope this woman gets the support, love, and understanding she needs to heal. Thank goodness for angels here on earth.”

And a fourth called him ‘such a nice guy’.

As of writing, Bon Jovi has not responded to the incident on his social media.

The rock legend helped the woman on the bridge (Virginia Sherwood/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)

The rock legend helped the woman on the bridge (Virginia Sherwood/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)

The American singer, songwriter, and actor is best known as the frontman of the rock band Bon Jovi.

Away from the music, he has also ventured into acting and philanthropy, founding the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation in 2006 to combat homelessness.

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