My husband’s children hate me, but I’m grateful he stood by me against their cruelty

Finding happiness doesn’t come easy for some, so when they finally stumble upon the opportunity to experience it, they hold onto it as tight as they can, fearing it would slip away.

A woman took to Reddit to share her life story and how her husband’s children made her life a living hell.

She first met him two years following his wife’s passing, when his children, who were now all over 21 years old, were still young. The kids were his whole world. He was still grieving and although he wasn’t ready to get involve in a relationship, he enjoyed the woman’s company and they eventually started dating.

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Sadly, his children never accepted her. They were convinced she was trying to take their mother’s place, and her being 53 and their father ten years her junior made things even harder.

However, they never showed how much they despised her in front of him. In his presence, they tried to be as polite as possible, so she never gathered the courage to tell him about their behavior towards her.

They sometimes called her names and told her to leave their father.

When he proposed, their hatred towards her only grew bigger.

When the two ties the knot during a modest civil ceremony, none of the three attended. They claimed they had other places to be, but since the ceremony was a small gathering, neither her nor their father got mad.

On the second day of the honeymoon, which the woman and her husband had been saving for for quite some time, his children appeared at the villa out of the blue.

My husband’s children hate me/ Pexels

The woman was shocked. They were the last people she expected to see in the Bahamas, but she didn’t say anything. She even offered cookies in an attempt to avoid the tension.

They claimed they were there because they missed their father, but the real reason was that they were there to ruin the honeymoon by making snide comments directed at the woman.

At one moment, when their father went inside the villa to grab some drinks, they started yelling at her. They told her she should be staying at the nearby cottage because she didn’t deserve to be spending the days at the luxurious villa. “You, a 53-year-old OLDIE, still want a fairytale? This villa is too nice for you. We’ll take it; you can have the bungalow,” they said. But at that moment, hey heard the sound of glass shattering.

Shattered glass/ Pexels

It was their father. He was mad and told them to stop treating his wife like that. He was aware of what they were doing but didn’t confront them because he was convinced they would eventually come to terms with the fact he loved her.

Telling them to leave, he cut the financial support he provided them with all those years.

Time passed by, and her husband’s children came apologizing one by one.

They finally learned their father was truly happy.

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