Prayers are needed for Kurt Russell. What happened to him is terrible…

Kurt Vogel Russell is an American actor. At the age of twelve, he made his screen debut in a western series. Russell’s portrayal in Mike Nichol’s Silkwood earned him a nomination for a 1983 Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.

Massachusetts’ Springfield is where Russell was born. Bing, his father, was an artist as well. His mother is ballerina Louise Julia Russell. Kurt Russell reportedly has a virulent flesh-eating sickness, according to The Globe.

The 65-year-old actor from Hateful 8 is said to have had unattractive ulcers under his lower lip, which are a result of Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS), a condition that has been connected to colon cancer. Cancer.

According to Net, “people with PJS may have a lifetime risk of cancer of up to 93%.”Dr. Stuart Fischer, who does not treat Kurt, described the ulcers as “precancerous lesions that can become aggressive and dangerous if not treated immediately and properly.”

Kurt Vogel Russell is an American actor. At the age of twelve, he made his screen debut in a western series. Russell’s portrayal in Mike Nichol’s Silkwood earned him a nomination for a 1983 Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.

Massachusetts’ Springfield is where Russell was born. Bing, his father, was an artist as well. His mother is ballerina Louise Julia Russell. Kurt Russell reportedly has a virulent flesh-eating sickness, according to The Globe.

The 65-year-old actor from Hateful 8 is said to have had unattractive ulcers under his lower lip, which are a result of Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS), a condition that has been connected to colon cancer. Cancer.

According to Net, “people with PJS may have a lifetime risk of cancer of up to 93%.”Dr. Stuart Fischer, who does not treat Kurt, described the ulcers as “precancerous lesions that can become aggressive and dangerous if not treated immediately and properly.”

Immunologist and Maryland resident Dr. Gabe Mirkin concurs that Kurt “needs immediate testing” and thinks PJS could be the cause of the ulcers.He needs to start counseling right away.We must pray for Kurt Russell. The Globe also claims that Kurt recently got into a fight with Goldie Hawn, his 71-year-old longtime partner.In October, Kurt was supposed to be honored into Oklahoma City’s Hall of Great Western Performers.The Hollywood Walk of Fame already bears his name.Kurt, though, is unable to attend because of a “surprise medical issue.”The actor insisted in a statement that he need surgery, which his doctor stated was a necessary treatment that couldn’t be put off.

The Oklahoman reports that he is scheduled to undergo hip replacement surgery.”My doctors say it needs to happen in September, but I thought it could wait.”As much as I would have hoped to be there this year, I am pleased that the museum has decided to postpone our honor until 2022 so I can accept this wonderful prize in person, Russell stated in the statement.We applaud Kurt Russell on being inducted into the Hall of Great Western Performers!We hope that his treatment later this month goes well and he recovers quickly.

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