The dog keeps coming to a woman’s house and just slept and one day this note was attached to his collar

One day a woman discovered a retriever when she got home.The dog was clearly owned because it was well-groomed, not hungry, and wearing a collar.The dog simply lay down on the carpet near the door and went asleep as soon as the woman entered the house.The woman was waiting for the same photo when he woke up and left gently the following day. After he fell asleep again, the dog continued to visit women’s homes as soon as he slept, and one day this letter was affixed to his collar.And so it continued for a few weeks.

You’ll be shocked to learn the cause of the dog’s odd behavior: “He began coming to my house.”He was well-groomed and nourished, and it was obvious from his appearance that he had a family. “I petted him and he followed me home, laid down on the carpet, and fell fast asleep,” the owner said.He went to the door after sleeping, and I let him out.This message was affixed to the dog’s collar one day after he continued visiting a woman’s home and simply dozing off: “The following day he returned, greeted me, entered the house, and fell asleep on the carpet again.”

This went on for a few weeks.I was intrigued by this circumstance and made the decision to learn more about the dog’s owners and the reason behind it.I made the decision to pen a note and attach it on the collar.I wrote this: “I would like to know who owns this lovely dog and ask if you are aware that your dog visits my home daily, sleeps for a few hours, and then departs once more.”

How is the head of a dog cut?The dog would frequently visit a woman’s home and simply sleep, and one day a letter was left on his collar. When the dog returned the following day, the note said, “Look, she lives in a house with six kids.”Not even three years old is the youngest.All he wants is to go to sleep.Would it be okay if I accompanied him tomorrow?

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