The untold story of news anchor David Muir

The untold story of news anchor David Muir

A dream can come true. Do you not think that? Just take a look at the life narrative of news presenter David Muir, one of the most recognisable TV faces in America.

Unbelievably, even as a little youngster, this individual was aspiring to be a journalist and millions of people were waiting for him to break the news.

When he was ten years old, Muir set up his workshop in the midst of the family living room using cardboard boxes.

The New York native found inspiration in the work of Peter Jennings.

“I didn’t care. I thought Peter Jennings was the James Bond of evening news,” Muir told People. Muir wanted to be a journalist so badly that he never missed the evening news and even dressed as a reporter for Halloween when the rest of his friends were characters from their favorite cartoons, superheroes, and cowboys.

“When I look back at it as an adult, when I was a kid and I wanted to see the world, that for me meant covering the severe thunderstorms in the next county or going to the New York State Fair with the local reporter and photographer who were willing to let me jump in the backseat of the car,” Muir told USA Today.

“Now, I am literally seeing the world. I’m grateful for that, and I could not have put words to it when I was a kid, but it’s all the same hunger that drives me today.”

Muir’s career in journalism started when he was just 12.

He specifically spent that summer writing emails to regional press organisations requesting invitations to tour the studio. Later, Muir got a letter from local journalist and anchor Ron Curtis inviting him to work as an intern at WTVH Channel 5 in the mail. The note stated: “Competition in television news is keen. There’s always room for the right person. It could be you,” and these are words that Muir will never forget.

Muir attended college and majored in Journalism.

During his studies, he spent a semester in Spain where he learned the language fluently. In fact, as he said, “This was so pivotal. This was living with a family, attending school in Spanish,” after he interviewed Pope Francis in Spanish in 2015.

After graduating, Muir spent five years working for WTVH Channel 5 before relocating to Boston and beginning a career as a journalist at WCVB. Following the passing of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, his reports from the Middle East, the Gaza Strip, and Tel Aviv won him multiple honours and the much expected position at ABC.

When Diane Sawyer left ABC’s weekend news programme in 2014, David Muir took her position. In 2011, Muir was designated the show’s sole anchor.

“You have seen David Muir at this desk, in this chair so many times. You know his command and commitment to bringing you the news,” Sawyer said on her final day at the job. “I cannot wait to see you in high gear.”

Few people can say they work at what they always hoped for, but Muir has always talked about how much his career meant to him because it fulfils a childhood goal.

“I have always felt if I could not be the reporter I was before I got this job, that people who got to know me through the reporting I’ve done would wonder, ‘What happened to this guy?’” Muir told LA Times. “I hope that, over time, people will see that thirst and hunger for curiosity is truly what drives me. It fuels me. I hope they see it in this newscast every night.”

Muir won a tremendous amount of accolades during the course of his career. Among other awards, he received the Edward R. Murrow medal and an Emmy for his outstanding live reporting on the Somalian famine from Mogadishu.

The gorgeous Muir received a different kind of honour in 2014 when People Magazine named him the “Sexiest Man Alive.”

According to what is known about this appealing 47-year-old journalist, his net worth is $20 million and he is still unmarried.

Despite having a well-known name that many Americans appreciate, Muir is a modest man who prioritises his family.

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