This house looked like it was about to fall into itself until one family stepped in

This house was built over 130 years ago and abandoned for many years before they bought it. What they made of it is beyond belief! Here’s how it looks now…

Built back in 1887, this house was considered dangerous to even enter because it looked like it was about to fall down any second.

When people were looking to buy this big ruin, they didn’t even bother to give a second thought, but everything changed when locals Jim and Jean Leaman stepped in.

After watching the home’s condition worsen over the decades, the retired couple’s love for the crumbling abode’s classic architecture inspired them to purchase it.

After 5 years working on the house day in day out, they managed to turn the ruin into a magical place we can all call home.

The transformation is almost unreal! But wait till you see it inside…

This is how the house looked like at the beginning.

But here is how it looked after restoration.

The inside will leave you breathless. It looks straight out of a Harry Potter movie.

The floors are made of five different types of wood and rainbow of colors pierce through thanks to the stained glass panels.

Each of the five bedrooms on the second floor are uniquely decorated and have a special appeal.

But this small room in the attic is perfect place for an office!

From how it looked to what he made it out to be, it’s truly hard to believe.

It did get a lot of work, time and money, but he transformed the ruin into a cozy and warm house.

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