WATCH: Drone Expert Floats Chilling Theory On New Jersey Sightings

John Ferguson, the CEO of Wichita, Kansas-based company Saxson Aerospace,

offered a chilling theory on the massive uptick in drone sightings that have plagued

New Jersey and surrounding areas.According to the company’s website, Saxson Aerospace is a “leading solutions provider for unmanned and autonomous remote system technologies for the government,

energy, infrastructure, agriculture, and private industry.” The company manufactures numerous advanced drones that far exceed the majority of widely available, basic retail drones in terms of range and battery life.In a lengthy video statement, Ferguson explained that during the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the late 1980’s and early 90’s, thousands of nuclear warheads were dismantled, particularly in Soviet satellite states.

In 1997, a former Soviet nuclear official testified before the U.S. House of Representatives about the existence of small, suitcase-sized nuclear weapons. Alexander Lebed testified that only 48 out of 132 of the small nuclear weapons when arsenals were hastily dismantled.“I believe, there were over 80 nuclear warheads that were in Ukraine that came up missing. 

We don’t know where they are. Maybe somebody does, but nobody really knows where these are.And I speak with some pretty high level government officials on this stuff, and it seems as though that is the case,” Ferguson went on to say.He further revealed that a few months ago, he spoke with an unnamed individual who was attempting to warn U.S. officials about the threat posed by the missing nuclear weapons.

The man allegedly claimed to have seen one of the missing warheads with his own eyes, adding that it was uncovered in Ukraine and was headed to the United States.

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