We Were Kicked Out by Our Landlord for a Week to Make Room for His Brother

Nancy thought her situation couldn’t get any worse when she and her three girls had to leave the rental home they were living in for a week. On the other hand, a terrible betrayal was revealed during an unplanned meet with the landlord’s brother.

Even though it’s only a very small amount, our house is still ours. The kitchen paint is breaking off so badly that I’ve started calling it “abstract art.” The floor grunts every time I walk on it.

It is still thought of as home, though. My three kids, Lily, Emma, and Sophie, are the ones who make me feel this way with their silly acts and small things they do. These things remind me of why I’m working so hard.

Money was always what I thought about. When it came to paying our rent and other bills, my work as a waitress barely scratched the surface. There was not a single extra or backup plan in place. I asked about the next step we should take if our attempt fails.

The next day, the phone rang while I was drying my clothes outside.

Hey there! To answer, I put the phone so that it was right between my shoulder and ear.

“Nancy, It’s Peterson.”

When I heard his voice, my stomach started to hurt. “Hi, Mr. Peterson. Does everything meet your standards?”

“I need you to be away from the house for a week,” he said, sounding as casual as if he were asking me to help him water his plants. He said this in the most relaxed way possible.

“What?” asks. “When I held Sophie’s shoes in my hands, I didn’t feel any movement.”

“My brother needs accommodation when visiting the area.” I told him he could use someone else’s house if he wanted to.

I thought I got what he was saying wrong because of this. “Please, wait—this is my residence.” The lease is now ours.

“He shot, ‘Don’t start with that lease nonsense.’” “Do you remember the last time your rent arrived late?” At that point, I could have kicked you out, but I chose not to. That’s something I could have done. You owe me something now.

I got a better grip on the phone. “I was late by one day,” I said, even though my voice was shaking. “My daughter was sick and miserable.” That was something I told you—”

He stopped it and said, “It doesn’t matter.” “Your departure has until Friday.” If you don’t move forward, you might never come back.

I asked Mr. Peterson not to let me show how bad things were for me. “I nowhere else could go.”

He replied in a cold voice, “It’s not my business,” and the link was cut, ending the conversation.

While sitting on the couch, I couldn’t take my eyes off the phone I was holding. I couldn’t breathe well, and my heart was beating so fast I could hear it.

“Mama, what is wrong?” With worry in her eyes, my oldest daughter Lily came to the door to ask what was going on.

I really worked hard to smile. “Nothing, my darling.” You and your sisters can keep having fun with playhouse games.

Even so, it wasn’t without value. There were no family members close, I didn’t have any savings, and I didn’t have any ways to fight back. In the event that I fail to meet Peterson’s requirements, he would find a reason to remove me for good.

By Thursday night, the few bags we had were only big enough to hold the smallest items. As much as the women were interested, I wasn’t able to fully explain the situation myself.

By telling them we were going on an adventure, I tried to give them hope.

“is it far?” Sophie was holding Mr. Floppy close to her chest when she asked the question.

So she wouldn’t see me, I said, “Not too far.”

The hotel was much better than I thought it would be. Due to the thin walls, we could hear every cough, squeak, and loud speech on the other side of the room. We could barely all fit in the room because it was so small.

Emma put her hands over her ears and said, “Mama, it’s so loud.”

I told her, “I understand, my dear,” as I gently brushed her hair.

While playing “I Spy,” Lily tried to take her sisters’ minds off of what she was doing, but the plan failed for a long time. Sophie began to cry as her face became swollen.

“Where’s Mr. Flopsy?” While she cried, her voice got slurred.

My stomach went down into its pit. In my hurry to leave, I forgot about the family pet.

I answered with a shaking voice, “He is still at home.”

“I cannot fall asleep without him!” It made her cry, and Sophie then grabbed my arm.

I reassured her that everything would be okay by holding her and kissing her. It was still clear to me that it was wrong.

I couldn’t do anything as I looked up at the cracks in the ceiling that night while Sophie cried herself to sleep.

Sophie couldn’t stop crying even after the fourth night. It hurt my heart like a knife every time I heard someone cry.

With a bitter tone, she begged, “Please, Mama.” “I seek Mr. Floppy.”

I held her tightly and moved her back and forth in my arms.

I was no longer able to handle it.

“I will get him” was whispered, more to myself than to her. “I’ll grab him.”

I didn’t know much about the process, but I had to give it a try.

My heart was racing, so I left my car parked down the street and stared at the house. What would happen if they wouldn’t let me in? Imagine that Mr. Peterson is here and watching this. Still, I will always remember the picture of Sophie’s tear-stained face.

As I took a deep breath and walked up to the door, I could hear Sophie crying, “Please.” When my fingers hit the wood, I held my breath.

When I opened the door, there was a man I had never seen before. He was tall and had eyes that were the perfect bright green. In general, he was nice.

At first, he asked, “Is it possible for me to be of help to you?” His face showed that he was confused.

When I said “Hello,” I stumbled. “I am the tenant of this property, thus I apologies for any trouble.” I thought I might find the stuffed animal bunny my child had left inside earlier.

He blinks right at me. Try to be patient if you can. So you live here, right?

When I said “yes,” I felt a lump form in the back of my throat. “But Mr. Peterson told us we had to leave for a week because you were staying here.”

He made a motion with his brows wrinkled. “What?” asks. “Based on what my brother said, the house was empty and ready for me to move into temporarily.”

I can’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth. “It does not lack contents.” This is where my house is made. My kids and I live in a hotel in a different part of the city right now. Lack of her animal makes it hard for my youngest child to fall asleep.

I thought for a moment that he was mad at me because his face got darker. He didn’t say anything, but instead said, “That son of a…” He stopped doing what he was doing by closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in.

He then said, “I’m sorry,” but his voice got softer. Giving us permission to enter will help us find the animal. “I had no knowledge.”

As I was about to walk in, I stopped, and he moved out of the way right away. When I smelled my own house, it made me feel like I could not hold back the tears that were about to fall. When he first met me, Jack said he would help me check out Sophie’s room, which didn’t seem to have changed at all.

Jack got Mr. Floppy out from under the bed and said, “He’s here.”

As I held the hare, I couldn’t help but think of how happy Sophie would be. “Thank you,” I said, but my voice began to shake.

“Tell me everything,” Jack said as he sat down on Sophie’s bedside. “Exactly what did my brother say to you?”

Even though I didn’t want to, I told him about the call, the threats, and the lodge. Every time he listened quietly, his jaw got tighter.

He got up and went to get his phone after I was done. He was the one who said, “This is wrong.”

What the heck are you doing?

“I am currently working on finding a solution to this problem,” he said as he picked up the phone.

What we talked about next was aggressive, even though I could only hear his side.

“You moved a single mother and her kids from their house?” Is it for me? Jack’s voice was straight. You can’t get away with this. If I can, I will quickly fix the problem.

He quickly cut the other person off and talked to me the whole time. “Arange your things at the hostel.” “You’re supposed to come tonight.”

I wasn’t sure if I had fully understood what he said because I was blinking. “what about you?”

“I will find other lodging,” he said with confidence. “I cannot stay at this place after my brother’s behavior.” He also has to pay your rent for the next six months.

Jack helped us move that night. She smiled when she saw Mr. Floppy and held the rabbit close to her chest like it was a valuable gem.

I thanked Jack as we began to put our things away. “Thank you,” I replied. “You not had to do all this.”

He made it clear, “I was not able to let you stay there for one more night.”

Jack kept coming back over the next few weeks as well. There was a leak in the kitchen faucet that was giving him problem. He brought dinner to our flat once in the evening.

“You were not required to do this,” I said, trying to make my point clear that I was unhappy with the situation.

He said, “It doesn’t matter,” and he sighed. “I enjoy assisting.”

This made the women love him. Lily asked him for help with the science project she was working on. Emma did a pretty good job of getting him to play board games. Sophia felt even better around Mr. Floppy, so she gave him a “hug” to welcome Jack to their tea party.

For the acts of kindness she had done, I started to get a better idea of who was responsible. He showed me that he cared about my kids, had a good sense of humor, and was patient. There was finally a love relationship between us after the dinners we had together.

After a few months, Jack spoke softly to us that night while we were sitting on the porch after the women had gone to bed.

He looked out into the yard and said, “I have been thinking.”

“On what?”

“I am resolved that you and the girls will never feel this degree of intensity once more” . Not worrying about losing their things right away is not something that should bother anyone.

His comments had an effect that lasts.

At the end, he said, “I am ready to help you find a long-lasting answer.” “Will you marriage me?”

I was really shocked by the news. I don’t know what to say when you say “Jack…” Without a doubt!

After a month, we moved into a cute, little apartment that Jack had found for us. Lily really did have her own bedroom. Em picked the color magenta for hers. Sophie quickly ran to hers while holding Mr. Floppy up as a shield.

Sophie whispered to her mom as she got ready for bed that night, “Mama, I love our new house.” She was getting into bed with my help.

“I agree, my darling,” I told her as I kissed her on the face.

That night, Jack stopped by for dinner and helped set the table. He was very helpful. During the time the women were talking, I watched him and saw that he was more than just our star. He was in charge of the family.

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