Why You Should Never Tie a Ribbon on Your Luggage, According to a Baggage Handler

If you’ve ever stood anxiously by the baggage carousel, scanning for your suitcase among dozens of similar ones, you’re not alone. Many travelers use colorful ribbons, tags, or other identifiers to make their bags stand out. However, a baggage handler from Dublin Airport warns that this common practice might not be the best idea. This is why you should never tie a ribbon on your luggage.

John, a seasoned baggage handler, explains that tying ribbons to your luggage can lead to unexpected complications. “Ribbons that people tie onto their suitcases to help identify them can cause issues with the bag being scanned in the baggage hall,” he says. Automated baggage systems are designed to process bags smoothly, but ribbons can interfere with the scanners. If your bag can’t be scanned properly, it may need manual processing, causing delays or, worse, missing your flight. It’s one of the key reasons why you should never tie a ribbon on luggage.

What Else To Avoid:

Ribbons aren’t the only surprising thing to avoid. John also advises against packing marzipan in your suitcase. “It has the same density as some explosives,” he explains. Bags flagged for security checks due to marzipan or similar items can face time-consuming searches, adding unnecessary stress to your travel.

So, what should you do instead? Consider alternatives that won’t cause problems on the airport. Opt for a suitcase in a bold, distinctive color or personalize it with stickers, fabric paint, or unique designs. These scanner-friendly methods make your luggage easy to spot without risking delays and causing unnecessary panic.

By following these tips and remembering to never tie a ribbon on luggage, you can avoid unnecessary travel headaches, ensure smoother handling at the airport, and increase the chances of your bag arriving on time at your destination without risking a delay on your trip.

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